Complete History Book of Big Johnson Plans

Complete History Book of Big Johnson Plans
Complete History Book of Big Johnson Plans

A number of interviews were taken from people in the area who suffered and can be found in Three Mile Island Alert, Three Mile Island: The People’s Testament as well as other online reading material which can be found in PDF form at PDF Search Books.

·         James Earl Carter, Jr., 39th President; 20 January 1977 to 20 January 1981. Elected to one term.

I cannot finish with Clinton without mentioning the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City in 1993. And of course, Osama bin Laden was behind the bombing. Larry johnson a former CIA agent as well as having worked for the State Department stated, “Clinton’s weak response to the terrorist attacks that occurred during his presidency paved the way for the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.” The report goes on to state, “On Feb. 26, 1993, a car bomb was detonated at the World Trade Center in New York City…Osama bin Laden is suspected

I’m saying that when the President does it, that means it’s not illegal!

Next is Carter a Georgia Democrat who is considered to be the hero of the Camp David Accords, a so-called peace accord for the Middle East between Egypt and Israel in 1978. Carter is portrayed as the champion of the peace treaty in that region, but oddly enough, peace never really happened. Carter completely overlooked the al-Fatah massacre of 37 Israeli civilians, and allowed Arafat and his PLO to find safe-haven in northern Beirut. On the 29th of September 1977, Carter had a press conference where he spoke about the PLO, “It’s obvious to me that there can be no Middle Eastern pea

·         George Walker Bush, 43rd President; 20 January 2001 to 20 January 2009. Elected to two terms.