Straightforward The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers

Straightforward The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers
Straightforward The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers

From the 1900s to this day, the inquiry about who actually fashioned the first teddy bear is still debated. In any case, the teddy bear remains a national obsession. In 1903, Steiff created 12,000 bears. Teddy manufacturers sprang up everywhere. Textbook author Seymour Eaton, under the pseudonym Paul Piper, wrote a humorous poem called “The Roosevelt Bears” that appeared each week in newspapers around the country and followed the frolics of “Teddy-B and Teddy-G.

The Teddy Bear Museum in Naples, Florida–one of the first such museums in America–displays about five thousand teddies from all over the world. Some are holding their own teddy bears; others dress in bear jewelry and carry bear handbags. An enchanting experience for children of any age, this distinctive museum showcases bears in all shapes and sizes including one-of-a-kind teddy bears, limited editions, antique bears, and unique moving displays.